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Tired of targeting blindly hoping to find high-converting opportunities?
Aptivio's AI Co-Pilot analyzes billions of behavioral data points 24/7 to identify prospects actively seeking your offerings or checking your competitors to provide you with opportunities begging to convert. We provide your Free market snapshot, so you can get an insight into emerging sales opportunities you can go after - TODAY!

Explore Your Opportunity White Space

Did you know, over 50% of opportunities stay hidden unless you embrace digital marketing?

Discover both the opportunities where you're currently not engaged and hidden opportunities ready to be approached.

When we say INSIGHTS we mean:
Number of companies in your total addressable market and number of companies actively seeking your offering
Top 5 signals Aptivio's AI Co-pilot detected for your business line and use them to personalize your outreach
Discover and Capitalize on Your Top 10 Hidden Revenue Opportunities, we make them available for you to pursue & convert today
Here is how we do it

Our AI Sales Co-pilot is powered by billions of buying signals and advanced networking capabilities.

We find accounts most likely to convert by using real data, streamline connections, and automate outreach effectively. Our strength lies in tapping into past customer networks, real buyer intent, tech trends, news, and an extended LinkedIn network. We combine this data to identify high-potential accounts, taking into account job changes, influence networks, partner ties, and investor connections.

We also keep you updated on potential customers researching competitors or relevant topics, setting us apart from one-size-fits-all solutions.

Check out our Platform

  • Sales Intel from over 150 signals for a 360 view

  • Buyer profiles and multi-provider validated contact data

  • Alerts for key events: competitor searches, job changes ...

  • Global views of buyer intent activities over time

  • Buyer and engagement stage predictions

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