Buyer Intent AI Overview

By Max Wickel
April 19th, 2022
Sophisticated AI platforms build user profiles to determine the likelihood of converting a prospective consumer into a sale using an array of digital signals. This calculation of user behavior depicting what stage of the marketing funnel a prospect falls into is what industry leaders refer to as “Buyer Intent.”

The Optimal Approach for B2B Leaders

Technical optimizations in lead generation and personalized messaging are transforming B2B sales journeys. CROs and CSOs rely on Buyer Intent AI platforms to inform marketing and sales efforts to compete in the evolving landscape molded by evolving technologies. Dialing in on prospects at the most salient moment with personalized messaging reduces prospecting time and improves costs per acquisition.  Aptivio’s real-time action cards signal to sales teams precisely what point in their sales journey an opportunity falls, guiding outreach efforts to encourage conversions. Actions to engage those opportunities are reflected in a prospect's buyer intent signals, informing real-time action card updates in a sales fly-wheel relationship.

Aptivio's Buyer Intent AI Solution

Most intent data providers focus on the earlier stages of the buyer lifecycle, generating insight and in-market classifications at the account level. Buyer intent data delivered at  the account level provides acute benefits for marketers. The in-market categorization for accounts enables marketers to execute more segmented and targeted campaigns and increase their ability to attribute their actions to revenue outcomes. In short, the idea is that buyer intent data will optimize marketing functions and customer demand quality, which will increase the sales organization's likelihood of creating early-stage pipeline growth.

Aptivio measures buyer intent through analysis of 150 proprietary signals. Insights are delivered through Aptivio’s all-in-one platform, customized to meet organizational needs. Aptivio’s platform conveys signals and recommendations from end to end of the buyer journey to ensure accurate representation and low drop-off tunneling of prospects.  While traditional sales journeys center around centralized manual workflows, Aptivio enables a decentralized autonomous process. We seek to simplify sales stages to turn qualified leads into revenue outcomes and grow sales pipelines in a way that resonates with marketers and sales personnel. Marketers enjoy granular audience targeting that develops opportunities that sales personnel can more effectively close on. Aptivio offers competitive pricing unmatched by other buyer intent AI solutions, packaged portably to manifest a symbiotic relationship with operating sales tools. Discover more sales opportunities, close more accounts, and position your organization for the B2B sales future with Aptivio. Explore our whitepaper here for more information about Buyer Intent AI and request a demo of the Aptivio platform on our website here.