What Do You Write In a Go-To-Market Strategy?

A go-to-market plan should seek to accomplish the following five tasks:

  • Analyze market data, such as buyer intent.
  • Create awareness around the product or service.
  • Identify quality leads (and possible future leads) in real-time.
  • Improve brand equity through a successful product launch.
  • Operate efficiently— that is, keep costs low and processes organized.

Creating a GTM strategy requires a lot of work, but by having an established go-to-market strategy template you can avoid reinventing the wheel each time. When it comes to introducing your ideas to the market, research and planning are both vital to success—not just doing them, but doing them in a way that’s informed by accurate, actionable data.

That’s the core of what we provide at Aptivio, and why our solution places such a high value on reliable, targeted data collection.If you’re in need of a go-to-market strategy framework, Aptivio has you covered. Below, we’ve outlined what the 5 main points of a marketing strategy should be, as well as things to keep in mind when writing a go-to-market strategy for a new product or service. We also invite you to visit our website and see how our tool works for yourself, and explain why we’re one of the best when it comes to targeted market research.

What Are the 5 Components of a Go-To-Market Strategy?

The five main parts of a GTM strategy are:
  • Analyzing market data.
  • Creating brand awareness.
  • Finding quality leads.
  • Increasing brand equity.
  • Streamlining operations and communications.
While each of these steps can be a multi-step process in its own right, it’s good to keep them in mind at a high level as you develop each individual component. You don’t want to get so focused on finding leads that you neglect brand awareness, nor do you want to collect a bunch of data that other teammates can’t access and/or make sense of. This is where the methods and tools you use come into play, as the right ones will keep these processes developing in tandem—not in a silo.

As you develop your strategy, make sure you can get down in the details and keep a bird’s-eye view. A platform like Aptivio can help you do that by keeping each component front-and-center as you dive into the details. For example, while reviewing contact-level buyer intent (analyzing market data), our platform shows you patterns in that data that point to other opportunities (finding quality leads)—all from a singular source of truth both sales and marketing can access (streamlining operations and communications).

How Do You Plan a Go-To-Market Strategy?

When planning a GTM strategy, it’s critical to start with the data: how you collect it, where it comes from, and how it informs future decisions. In addition to the 5 main components we outlined above, a GTM strategy should support your product or service by:
  • Telling you the right time (and place) to launch.
  • Outlining you who wants your product (and why).
  • Tracking (and measuring) your metrics for success.
It’s important to note that not all data is created equally when it comes to a B2B go-to-market strategy, or any strategy for that matter. Market data is often too broad to draw any helpful conclusions, too surface-level to spark ingenuity, or too far-reaching to find emerging patterns in the market. With this kind of data, you just end up staring at a ton of numbers, trying to pull some sort of plan from it all.

All of those pain points above are what we at Aptivio aim to solve—and we’re pretty good at it, according to our clients. Our analytics platform can effectively support a go-to-market strategy for startups, seasoned companies, and everything in between—thanks to its ability to collect data en masse then find patterns in that data to inform your strategy.

In today’s market, just knowing a prospect is a good fit isn't enough anymore; you need to know who is doing the relevant research, have the proper timing and reasoning, as well as the right channel for your outreach. Automating the time-consuming parts of data research not only expands your scope, but gives you time to focus on what really makes data matter: context, insights, and actionable items. Best of all, Aptivio supports what makes data matter by giving you correlations for context, patterns in data that spark insights, and potential sales opportunities that generate actionable items for future plans.

See what accurate, actionable data can do for your business’s product launches. Get your free Market Snapshot report now, and see for yourself what sales opportunities await your call.